Get More Perfect Fit Leads

A Live Wedding Business Roundtable

4 experts share practical things you can do to get more perfect fit leads in your wedding business!

Heidi Thompson

Wedding Business & Marketing Strategist, Evolve Your Wedding Business

Nina Addeo

Social Media Expert, I Do Wedding Marketing

Carin Hunt

Hands-On Education and Strategies for Your Wedding Business, Celebration Pros

Adrienna McDermott

CEO, Ava And The Bee

Tuesday, April 30th at 12pm PT / 3pm ET / 8pm GMT


Roundtable Starts In:


A bit about the experts

Heidi Thompson, Host - Evolve Your Wedding Business

Heidi Thompson is the best-selling author of Clone Your Best Clients and the wedding business coach & marketing strategist behind Evolve Your Wedding Business where she helps wedding professionals book more ideal clients and craft a business that gives them the income, life, and freedom they want.

Nina Addeo - I Do Wedding Marketing

Nina Addeo is the owner of I Do Wedding Marketing, a social media marketing agency specific to the wedding industry. Her in-house experience with venues fueled her passion & knowledge of the event industry, allowing her to market to the specific pain points, processes, and performance metrics that are exclusive to wedding professionals.

Carin Hunt - Celebration Pros

Carin leads a dynamic community of ambitious wedding professionals determined to break through their glass ceiling of doubts and achieve the success they so desire and deserve. With her innovative Champagne Logic approach, Carin collaborates with clients in both group and one-on-one settings, uncorking the potential in their businesses, refining structures, and toasting to valuable connections.

Adrienna McDermott - Ava And The Bee

As a former wedding professional and current agency owner who has served over 250 vendors around the world, Adrienna is a sought-after thought leader in the world of wedding marketing and strategy. After spending many years as a bridal boutique owner, wedding planner, and florist, she intimately understands the challenges that vendors face in the always-changing digital world and how important it is to stand out from the rest.

Don't miss this exclusive roundtable!

Tuesday, April 30th at 12pm PT / 3pm ET / 8pm GMT