The Stand Out & Get Booked Challenge

Stand out from your competition as the top choice for your ideal clients, no matter how much you charge!


The FREE Challenge Starts On Monday May 20th at 1PM PT


Why should a couple book YOU instead of any of your competitors?

I know that may sound harsh, but it's a question you need to answer in your marketing if you want to stand out and book more weddings.

If couples don't know why you're the perfect fit for them, they'll compare you to your competitors, and that usually results in them comparing you based on price. 🎵:insert sad trombone sound:🎵

That's why this challenge is all about making sure you stand out from your competition so couples know within 5 seconds if you're the perfect fit for them or not.

This is the solution to:

  • Ghosting
  • Price shopping
  • Losing perfect clients to your competitors
  • Hearing things like "we went in another direction" all the time
  • Feeling like you can't raise your prices
  • The frustration you feel because you're doing all the things you're supposed to but not getting the leads & bookings you need
  • And sooooo many other problems that plague wedding pros!


Over 5 Days We'll Cover 5 Steps To Stand Out & Get Booked


Lock On Your Target

You'll use my Clone Your Best Clients process to identify exactly who you want to attract more of so you can stand out to them as the best possible choice.


Why Should They Choose You?

You'll uncover what your ideal clients care about most and combine it with your values to make the case why they should choose you instead of someone else without sounding desperate.


The 5 Second Test

Within 5 seconds of landing on your website, your potential client should know exactly what you do, who you're the best fit for, and how you're different. Most wedding business websites don't pass this test but yours will!


Your Ideal Client Mirror

You'll update your testimonials and images so your ideal clients can see themselves in them and know you're the right fit for them.


Seal The Deal

You'll update your inquiry and booking workflow so it easily books the client you want to book more of.

During this FREE Training Event You'll Get...

Daily Trainings

Actionable trainings that take you through EXACTLY what you need to do to stand out as the go-to choice for your ideal clients no matter how much you charge.

Private Community

Get ideas and stay accountable with your fellow wedding pros in our private community just for this challenge!

Daily Live Q&As

Join us live so you can ask your questions and get specific answers tailored to you. You've got my support throughout the challenge!

This is an event you don't want to miss, I'll be covering a wide range of information on standing out as the top choice for your ideal clients so that by the end of the 5-day training you'll clearly stand out from your competition. That means more leads and bookings and less ghosting and price shopping!

Save your seat today!

Hosted by Heidi Thompson

Heidi Thompson is the best-selling author of Clone Your Best Clients and the wedding business coach & marketing strategist behind Evolve Your Wedding Business where she helps wedding professionals book more ideal clients and craft a business that gives them the income, life, and freedom they want.

Her business & marketing expertise has been featured on several wedding and business outlets and events including The Huffington Post, Wedding Business Magazine, Sprouting Photographer, WeddingMBA, Aisle Planner, Honeybook, and WeddingWire World.

She is the creator and host of Book More Weddings Summit & Wedding Business CEO Summit. Over the past 10+ years, Heidi has helped thousands of wedding pros of all kinds across 6 continents grow their businesses without working 60+ hour weeks.

And she'll guide you through every step of this challenge and answer all your questions along the way!