Some people call me an OG of wedding business marketing, but deep down I'm just another person wearing PJ bottoms on Zoom. I swear a lot, I share my struggles, and I don't pretend to be better than anyone else.
a marketing and business nerd who fell in love with the wedding industry.
[This post is an excerpt from theĀ 30 Days To A Better Wedding Business Workbook]
Everyone has a to do list but it is just as important to have a “stop doing” list. This idea was first written about by the very awesome Danielle LaporteĀ and essentially it’s a list of things that you will commit to stop doing. A stop doing list can be liberating and much more powerful than a to do list. Here are some things that you might commit to stop doing:
Stop checking your email obsessively
Stop doings tasks that lie outside of you natural skill set or become time-sucks. For me, that includes accounting, technical work on my website and admin. These things can easily be outsourced to a virtual assistant which will leave you to spend your time on income-generating tasks.
Stop being such a perfectionist
Stop comparing yourself to your competitors
Stop marketing without a plan
Stop doing it all by yourself. A coach, consultant, mentor or course can go a long way.
Stop seeing everything as success or failure. Business is an experiment and you can learn from everything you try.
Stop procrastinating
Stop neglecting your health. Make time for you!
Stop watching/reading the news on a daily basis. I did this one myself and it has greatly improved my mindset. The news is 99% negative and leaves me feeling cynical, so I avoid mainstream news outlets and only look into things when I am curious. I choose what content to ingest and I am very selective of where I get my information from because there is so much opinion injected into media.
Stop pushing yourself so damn hard. I learned that when I’m tired, it’s best to put things down instead of pushing to get it done and making silly mistakes.
Stop trying to fit into traditional working hours. I’m a night owl so working in the morning is hard for me. I finally decided just to stop trying to force it.
I recently committed to #6 and started working with an awesome business coach. I found that like many people, I was just too close to my own business to be able to step back and see things objectively. I’m also working with her on #13 so that kills two birds with one stone.
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I think we all have things that belong on our stop doing lists. It definitely makes life a lot easier when you consciously make a decision to stop doing things that impede your success.
Oh dear – I’d have to say I’m guilty of most of those! As I’m an obsessive list-maker anyway, I think I’d better start a ‘stop doing’ list too.
I think we all have things that belong on our stop doing lists. It definitely makes life a lot easier when you consciously make a decision to stop doing things that impede your success.