Some people call me an OG of wedding business marketing, but deep down I'm just another person wearing PJ bottoms on Zoom. I swear a lot, I share my struggles, and I don't pretend to be better than anyone else.
I recently ran a survey to find out how much money wedding professionals were making and I think the results say a lot. I did hear from a lot of wedding professionals personally who said they were not making a lot of money because they were just getting started and they had their eyes set on a much higher goal in the future and that’s awesome because you totally can make more money, you just need a strategy. Unfortunately the “build it and they will come” idea is a total myth and really only works in Field Of Dreams & Wayne’s World 2.
Here are the results of the first question I asked survey participants.
As you can see 46% of respondents are taking home under $10,000 per year. 66% of the respondents are taking home less than $20,000. We need to do something about that because you can absolutely earn more.
Next I asked about what people want to be earning.
I was actually surprised by the results of this but I can totally understand what it’s like to just want to be able to support yourself with your business, I’ve been there too. I want to encourage you to think bigger though.
Maybe making $50,000 per year would be enough to cover all of your expenses and live comfortably. That’s fantastic and I’m glad you know how much you need because a lot of people don’t know how much they need to make.
Just don’t allow that goal to be an upper limit for yourself. Once you hit $50,000 per year, then what? You can definitely earn more if you want to. You could even step into just the CEO role and outsource a lot of your tasks so you can focus on what you do best. Just promise me you won’t get stuck in a just getting by mentality because you can make more than you need if you want to.
So how do you make more money and bridge the gap between what you’re making now and what you want to be making? You create a strategy so you’re not just taking shots in the dark. You won’t earn more money on a consistent basis by chance. You have to engineer it.